11 de enero de 2006

Damn Small Linux v2.1

The Damn Small Linux project released version 2.1 of its 50 megabyte LiveCD Linux distribution

algunas de las caracteristicas de esta distro, basada en knoppix y asu vez en debian, obvio para mi la principal es que es de 50mb y bootea en usb :)

Damn Small Linux boasts a long list of standard goodies, including:

  • XMMS (MP3 and MPEG)
  • FTP client
  • Links-hacked web browser
  • Spreadsheet
  • Email client
  • Spellchecker (US English)
  • Word processor
  • Three text editors (Nedit, nVi, Zile [emacs clone])
The distro also includes Xpdf, Worker (file manager), Naim (AIM, ICQ, IRC), VNCviwer, SSH/SCP server and client and a DHCP client. DSL also includes PPP, PPPoE, a web server, calculator, system monitoring apps, and USB support, according to the project's web site.


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